The weekend I kept Harlee was crazy, for many reasons. Mainly because I was wrangling a 2.5 year old for her first weekend away. She actually did great and had no breakdowns over being away from home and her mommy. Yay!
However, it was also crazy because the night before I picked her up I took a Walmart brand pregnancy test and got a very
very faint positive. We're talking so faint I thought it was a mistake. Friday morning I got up and took another one. Same thing. You could just barely see that second line. It was a real squinter and I'd read that cheap, blue-dye tests aren't that reliable, so I didn't want to get my hopes up. I knew I would be busy with Harlee all weekend, so I made the promise to myself I wouldn't test again until Sunday, and I wouldn't tell Andrew until I had something more firm than "maybe, maybe not." Thankfully I was so busy all weekend I didn't give much thought to it. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely in my head all weekend!
Saturday evening Kristina was spending the night with us and I decided to stop by Walmart on the way home to pick up a First Response pregnancy test. The good kind. No more wishy washy answers! I was planning on waiting until Sunday morning to test, but my sister-in-law Emily knew it was possible and she was putting the bug in my ear to test immediately. I caved. We got home, broke out the play-doh and I excused myself. Almost immediately, there it was. That 2nd pink line I'd been hoping to see. It was there. And it was real. And I had a house full of people and wanted to tell Andrew in private.
This pregnancy was planned and wanted. So wanted. We expected things to take a little longer on the conception front, but we were lucky and it happened immediately. I was shocked it happened so quickly. I was preparing myself for a 2-4 month process. Nope! So yes, we did intend to get pregnant 3 months after our wedding. Yes, we may be crazy. But we have so much love, and to all the people who say to wait...You wait. We didn't want to. This is our life and our story and we wanted to grow our family and we couldn't be happier!
Anyway, now I was in the conundrum of wanting to tell him immediately, but also wanting it to be a private affair. Kristina asked Sunday morning what the results were and in her excitement, and trying to hide said excitement, she ending up screaming "I'm just so excited about cinnamon rolls!!!! ahhh!" haha. I decided I wanted to find some cutesy stuff to break the news to Andrew. We went to a few places looking for baby gear with bears on it. Since Andrew and I were Mama and Papa Bear in the Christmas parade while Harlee was our baby Bear, I wanted to inform Andrew that we would soon have our own Baby Bear! Apparently baby clothes come with every creature known to man on them, particularly monkeys, but bears are kind of hard to come by.
We settled on a onesie and some newborn slippers with Bears on them. That afternoon we headed to my mom's house, and I cracked. I had to tell someone. I had the onesie. She knew we were trying. I had to get it out. I showed her the onesie and she was all "aww that's cute." I said, "Mom, do you know what that means?!" She looked at me kind of confused, then her mouth turned into an 'O', excited face. She yelped then started crying! She said, "Well now I have to worry about you everyday!!" It was such a great reaction.
I took Harlee home that evening, but we had plans to watch the Superbowl at our friends house. I couldn't tell him there, so I politely turned down the beer and referenced how exhausted I was from the weekend. I don't think they were suspicious.
When we got home I gave Andrew the gift bag with goodies. He pulled out the onesie and said "Is this a hint?" Then pulled out the slippers and looked at the bottom of the bag to see the two pregnancy tests. He smiled so big and came over and gave me a great big hug. He was surprised and happy and so excited. Until I told him Mom and Kristina knew before him. He wasn't all that pleased with that. Sorry babe!!
The next day I made an appointment to see the doctor to have everything confirmed. I went in 2 days later where they tested and drew blood and said "Yep! You're preggo! Congrats!" It was even more exciting to have the doctor confirm it! I was 5 weeks and 3 days. She set my estimated due date as October 5, 2014!! An October baby just in time for our 1 year anniversary!
We are so excited, and hoping that everything goes well and stays healthy!