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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cuddles and Lawn Care

 This week we got lots of cuddles from this little guy. How cute are they?

 Shinobi is finally feeling a little more comfortable and back to herself. She's been very interested in Rico the last few days. He's spending more time exploring and running/wobbling around and she stays within a few feet to keep close watch. She isn't 100% sold yet, but she's definitely coming around.

We had bad weather Thursday so the office closed down at 1:00. I took Sidney and Rico to Mom's for the evening while Andrew went to his parents when he left work since it was closer. The storm ended up being nothing more than a thunderstorm for Birmingham, but some other parts of state did get some very bad weather. Since the April 27 tornadoes two years ago we're all more cautious. Thankfully we were lucky and got some family visiting time. And Rico got to meet Grandma! ;)

The weather cleared up for Saturday and we got some beautiful weather. I spent a few hours in the yard trying to get it raked and ready for summer. A good half of the front yard hasn't been raked in probably 3 years, so I was eager to get that up and see if we can get some grass going! The pine straw I got up was so thick I had to use a hoe to break through it before my rake would even begin to pick it up. In the end I got a good chunk of the front cleared up! Some places are seeing sun for the first time in years. I'm not sure I got it cleared early enough in the season to get grass, but it looks better either way. I still have 2/3s of the front yard to go and about 1/3 of the back before it's fully raked and deleafed. Plus all the small to medium sized branches that have fallen from the numerous trees over the last 2-3 years. It wasonly about two hours worth of work, but it is tiring!!

The thick pine straw that was removed. Success! (this is the before picture). I didn't think about the after until it had started raining.

Front yard from the front door looking 
straight out. Lots of trees and leaves!

The side portion of the front yard from the front deck looking right. Still have to rake all that. Slight hill makes for an interesting lawn mower ride!
Overall it was a productive week including family time, a date night, a few dance lessons, a disc golf outing or two, lots of animal love and plenty of work. Can't complain!

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