Birth, 10 days in the NICU, coming home, learning a new [semi] routine, first kickball game, visiting Grandma, Aunt Stina and Aunt Beth, first trip to the doctor, baby's first day at the office, helping Daddy buy a car, more than 1 trip to Target, a few restaurant visits, first cold, lots of movies and football games, licks from the dog, a few too many snap shots by Mommy, first professional photo shoot, etc etc.
My dear Hannah,
At 1 month old we have no schedule. You came home at 10 days old and the first few days we were driving blind, and I was kind of going at it alone. I brought you home by myself when you were released from the NICU because Dad had to work a double shift. He had to work extra the next week to make up for all the time he'd had off while I was in the hospital for 6 days. We could have been released a day sooner but we opted for the extra day to be close to you.
To be honest, neither your dad nor I have done any reading on how to actually raise a baby. I ordered some books that should be here sometime next week, but for the most part we are just winging it. You have no schedule. You eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired. Once the books come in and I do some research we will start trying to be more scheduled and uniform with our daily routine. For now we are going day by day. Dad has been working a lot so for the most part it's just been the two of us. But when he is here he's great and does as much as possible to be with you and so I can rest.
We tried breast feeding and it just didn't work out for us. At 3.5 weeks I abandoned the plan and we have been happily formula feeding since. Some people may poo-poo me for that, but I'm ok with it. At first you were a lazy feeder at the breast. You'd gotten used to the ease of a bottle. Every now and then you'd latch and feed great, but for the most part you fell asleep more than anything. You would latch and unlatch repeatedly which was both painful and frustrating. The day before you came home from the hospital I had some engorgement issues and early symptoms of mastitis that required antibiotics. My supply dropped off considerably after that and you never seemed satisfied and would get frantic whenever I tried to breast feed. So I pumped and supplemented with formula for our bottle feeds. This worked but was exhausting. I still wasn't producing enough milk so I tried a few natural remedies to increase my supply (fenugreek, mother's milk tea, I bought ingredients for 'Lactation Cookies' but never got around to making them). They worked and my supply increased, but led to my second bout of engorgement with flu-like symptoms that made it very hard to care for you. I decided that it wasn't worth the frustration, tears and sickness it was causing and I was still having to use formula for over half of every feeding anyway. Since then we are 100% on formula and 100% enjoying life more. Now I sit and watch you eat with a content look on your face. I enjoy it now. It's been a game changer. I agree that breast milk would be better, but formula isn't the end of the world. You'll still be big, smart and strong. It is what works for us and our family, so poo-poo to anyone that doesn't respect that.
We've gotten to know you and some of your habits. You are either making a fist with your thumbs tucked on the inside, or your fingers are all straight out and usually near your face. Just like the ultra sound pictures. You eat every 2-3 hours and let us know when you're hungry. You are so messy. We have to put a bib and burp cloth under your chin and you still get your cloths wet. When we start putting something under your chin you get so excited because you know what's coming. You open your mouth wide, shake your head from side to side and make these ravenous sounds that are half grunt half begging. It's hilarious. You still get the hiccups all the time, just like when I was pregnant. You don't seem to mind them thankfully.
You love the bouncy seat Teresa got for you. Particularly the vibrate and music function. We can turn these on and you usually will get quiet pretty quickly. It's been a life saver. I can put you in it and work, eat, take a shower or do chores. You will sit in the swing, but you really don't care for it nearly as much as your vibrating seat.
You are kind of torn on swaddling. You prefer being able to straighten your legs and having one arm free, but once you get past the initial frustration of a full, regular swaddle you seem to sleep better. We only swaddle you at night and during the day allow you full use of your arms and legs. It's pretty funny because your startle reflex is in full swing.
Sidney is turning out to be a great older sister/dog nanny. She was really interested and concerned when you first got home. Overly interested. She's now calmed down and gotten used to you. She still wants to lick you pretty often and when you cry she comes running to check things out. She'll sniff you, take a look and once she's sure you're ok she will lay down nearby. It's pretty cute. Stella totally ignores you. She acts as though you don't even exist. Rico doesn't seem to mind you, but he isn't too interested. He likes to lay next to you if he's being petted. I guess you kicked him enough while I was pregnant that he's used to wiggling while he's laying on me.
We've done a couple of trips to Grandma's house to visit her and Kristina. Mainly on Saturdays when Daddy is working all day and we get bored and lonely. Aunt Stina loves you! We went and watched Dad play kickball one night (they lost). At your 2 week check up you were 1 oz off from your birth weight. We had a little issue with constipation but have gotten that cleared up. You've had a clogged tear duct that's given you a goopy eye off and on for the last 2.5 weeks. Some days it's clear and great then other days it's all gunky and we have to keep wiping it with a warm washcloth.
You came home 2 days before my birthday, which was the best present ever. I was pretty darn tired but it was worth it. We also did our first family outing that day. We went to Target and had dinner at O'Charleys then cake at Grandma's house. You had your first play date with Elliot, a friend we've made that was also a preemie here in Birmingham.
You think the best time to be alert is around midnight or 1 am. Guess we should read those parenting books, huh? You've been a night owl like Mommy and Daddy so far. You sleep in a beautiful cradle in our room that Grandpa built for you. Sometimes you fight sleep in the cradle so I take you out and lay you in bed with me. You fall right asleep. We didn't plan on sharing the bed but sometimes it's the only way to get you to sleep.
We love you so much and are having such a good time getting to know you. These extra 4 weeks have been so special!
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