Approximately 20 pounds
no idea in length!
Sweet Girl,
You turned 7 months old last week but I'm just finding time to write about it. Time goes so quickly these days that I can hardly keep up. I jot down key points on a dry erase board so I know what to write on each of these posts, otherwise I would just draw a blank staring at the computer screen!! Every month you become more fun, smiley, interactive and a joy to be around. You make long days worth it and quick days hurt some times, knowing that each day flies through my fingers.
This month we enjoyed eating solids! We've tried 8 flavors and you enjoyed about 6 of them. Feeding times are interesting. If you like the food you get really into it, if you don't like it then you are more interested in the buckle on the high chair or watching the nearest cat.
Another fun thing that happened this month was the arrival of our Tula. Tula is a brand of soft structured carrier that allows me to wear you when we go out instead of pushing a stroller. It's comfortable, easy to use and fast. I strap you in, clip the buckle and off we go! It allows me to have my hands free and keep you close by. So far it's been a win for both of us.
Kickball season started so we've spent a few evenings down at the kickball fields at George Ward watching Daddy play. It's been rained out a few times but the nights we have been able to go have been nice. Everyone on the team loves you and you really enjoy being outside and seeing the action. I wear you in the Tula but have to make sure I turn to angle you so you can see what's going on.

We've been making great use of the zoo membership Grandma got for us. We have made more than one trip with different groups of people. We enjoyed one trip with Daddy, then another with a group of moms I've met through a local babywearing group (plus one or two trips with just the two of us). The cats are always asleep, go figure. You really like to people watch while we are there. I'm not sure how well you can see the animals but you always have fun and usually conk out for a little nap. I know, it's exhausting!
We celebrated your first Easter this month! We did the annual Easter egg hunt at Nana & Papa Chip's, then a casual feast at Grandma's. We had a great time at both places and loved being able to celebrate with family. You were too cute in your Easter dresses (even though one of them said 12 months but was actually around 6 month size. Don't get me started on that one!). You definitely stole the show at Grandma's!!

You mastered a cool trick this month-- rolling over from your back to your belly! You'd been trying for a while but couldn't quite firgure out what to do with your arm. Well you got it down and now you can't stop. We put you in the center of your mat and you roll all over. I was washing dishes and came back into the room a minute later to find you under the coffee table. Apparently it's your means of transportation these days! You do pretty well, except in your crib. You roll over in the mornings and get stuck on your belly, even though you know how to roll. You seem to forget once you are in the crib.
Speaking of the crib, you sleep really well for the most part. Your (semi) new thing is to wake up around 7 am, lay there and talk to yourself, stare at your hands, and then roll over. I can flip you to your back and put your paci in and you'll rest/fall asleep for a few minutes, then roll back over to your belly. I flip you another time or two before you go to sleep for good for another hour or two. You wake up around 9 am, nap every 2-3 hours, and go to bed at 9 pm. I'm happy to say that for the most part you're a great sleeper. We've been battling teething this month so sleep has been a little disrupted.
We are still waiting for teeth to pop through, but we are seeing the start of some white caps! I can't imagine how grown up you'll look with teeth. You change so much each month it's crazy. I think you are starting to grow into your cheeks some, which is almost sad! You still have prominent, kissable chubby cheeks, but they aren't so defining these days. Now your most commented on feature are your baby blues. Those big ole blue eyes are just beautiful. I tell people I'm not going to admit they'll stay blue just yet because I feel like as soon as I acknowledge it they'll turn brown. I hope they stay blue but you'll be gorgeous no matter what!!
You are such a ham and love to smile. You love Daddy and me and your cats. We are your favorites but you don't reserve smiles just for us. If someone makes a funny face and you feel comfortable then that person gets the sweetest smile. Sometimes people with heavy eyeliner scare you though. You'll do a full on pout, look at me and then just let it rip. Something about the eye liner gets you. It's kind of funny, except when the person takes it personally.
As usual, you are so sweet, happy and a pure joy in our lives. We thank our lucky stars for you every day. We love you baby!!!