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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Solid Foods!

Solids! I thought this topic deserved it's own post. We started feeding pureed solids on Hannah's 6 month birthday. Feeding guidelines* say you can begin solids from 4-6 months of age, and after a few milestones have been reached (sitting upright, loss of tongue reflex to automatically push food out and interest in adults eating). While Hannah can't quite sit up on her own, she does support herself pretty well and when strapped into the high chair she's as good as gold.
I love food!! (most of them)
The two ways to introduce baby food are purees (which we are doing) or Baby Led Weaning (BLW), where the foods are cooked soft but prepared in fry-like shapes that babies can easily grab and feed themselves. Andrew and I discussed it and decided that we would rather not worry about the choking hazard that can come with BLW. Once she is sitting unassisted and has a few teeth we will try to let her do it on your own, but for now it's spoon fed mush for our little girl!

The safest way to introduce foods is one at a time, each for 3-4 days.* Neither Andrew nor I have any food allergies so Hannah isn't necessarily at risk, but better safe than sorry, right? We've stuck with these guidelines and so far they've worked for us.

We are getting to a point now where baby has tried 8 different foods, some of which were made fresh, some of them made fresh by Gerber. We've started doing 2 feedings a day, and when she is interested and hungry it goes great. But if she don't like the food or is too tired it's just a mess!
First time eating and totally unsure
Maybe this eating thing isn't so bad!!
So far we've tried: sweet potatoes, bananas, green beans, carrots, pears, peas, squash and apples. She likes everything except carrots. She really, really hate carrots. She didn't like bananas until I made them fresh, then was all over it. The absolute favorites are green beans, for sure. She's so funny to watch as she tries new foods. A face of trepidation, contemplation, then either excitement or displeasure. When she likes a food she kicks her legs out and gets excited. She opens her mouth when we say 'bite.' If she isn't into it then it's hard to get her attention so we have to call it.


It's been a fun and messy adventure so far! Sometimes you try to grab the spoon, sometimes you reach for the container. We can usually block it but you've gotten in a few swipes. We haven't had a truly dirty meal just yet. We have just started doing combination flavors and girlfriend, you are a carnivore! You love the Chicken & Apples combo and Turkey & Rice. You gobble those up faster than everything else. This morning you had a new combo - apples, bananas & prunes. You thought it was ok. But you obviously prefer mixed flavors over single flavor foods. We look forward to trying new foods, combinations and textures.
*Disclaimer: These points are from the research I've done and info I've gotten from our pediatrician. In no way to I think I know it all or know enough to advise others. This is just what I've learned and how we have chosen to do things.

Foods so far have been a fun but slightly nerve wracking adventure! Will she be allergic, will she throw the food towards my laptop, will she barf up the food instead of regular spit up, etc etc. However, I wouldn't change anything as long as I can see those silly, food-faced smiles!!

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