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Photo Collage

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Hannah: 12 Months

21 pounds 4 ounces
29 inches
Hannah, my big sweet 1 year old!!! Girl, you are one year old and your daddy and I simply can't believe it. The past year flew by at record speed. You grew faster than we could keep up. Your development exploded in the last few months, both verbally, physically, socially. You are keeping us on our toes (and you stay on your toes as well!). 
Aside from turning 1 (!!!!) this past month was fairly tame. Sadly we started the first day of this month with your first real throw up. You'd been running a slight fever which we attributed to teething, woke up in the middle of the night fussing so I went in to give you some tylenol, which you immediately barfed all over me. It was really gross and pretty pitiful. Daddy cleaned you up while I cleaned myself up, then we laid you down and you passed right back out. You were a little worse for the wear the next day, but thankfully that was the end of the upset tummy.
We started back at Mother's Day Out for the school year and you and I were both so excited! We kept your teachers from the summer term, which we were super excited about. When we walked in to school that first day you immediately smiled when you realized where you were going. The mental, social and developmental stimulation you get at school is priceless. We love our teachers at Mother's Day Out!!
We helped our good friend Grayson celebrate his 2nd birthday and you were all too eager to help eat my piece of cake and ice cream! It's fun to help party with our friends now that you're mobile and interactive.
This month was full of hard knocks including a busted lip, a black eye and miscellaneous bumps and bruises. You looked pretty banged up most days, but you're tough and we survived.
You became a professional at smashing cake. We did a mini cupcake at home the night before your birthday, sent mini cupcakes to school, went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner and you smashed cake there, then by your actual party, girl, you went to town!! It was so cute and funny. I'm glad we did the practice runs so you didn't get to the party and look all confused. 
Your verbal skills have gone through the roof. As of now you say: Baby, bye bye, bites, bottle, Mommy, Daddy, Maggie (daycare teacher), cat. Now some of these words don't sound exact, like cat is more of -dat, or -kiddy. Bite is 'biiit, with a soft T.  You wave, clap, give high fives. We're working on blowing kisses.
You pull up on everything, cruise the furniture and have started letting go of things while standing. You end up on your tush pretty quickly and usually with a startled look on your face. Your doctor thinks you'll be walking very soon, but for now you fall into the "quick to talk slow to walk" category. (Even though 12 months isn't technically slow). 
Big girl, Daddy and I have such wonderful hopes and dreams for you. We know you will conquer the world with your smarts and your smile. Your laugh is deep and contagious. You wake up happy and usually go to bed happy. When you meet new people you watch them closely, usually bury your face in my shoulder for a minute, and then after about 5 minutes you warm up and talk their ear off, smile at them and wave excitedly.  You are not shy, by any means, you just need a few minutes to decide whether you feel like telling someone about your day. 
We love you so much, and it has been the biggest joy of our lives to watch you grow and help shape you into the beautiful, smart, funny human being you are becoming. We can't wait to see what the next year has in store for our family and for you!! We love you Baby!!
Mommy & Daddy