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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Pregnancy: 34 Weeks and Bed Rest

Today we hit the marker my doctor didn't think we would make -- 34 weeks pregnant. When the GH (gestational hypertension) started almost 5 weeks ago she was highly skeptical that I'd make it to this point. The earlier in pregnancy that GH strikes, the faster it usually develops. We got about 3 really good weeks where I maintained at an almost normal blood pressure, then in the last 1.5 weeks it's started creeping up again so I was ordered to official bed rest. Bummer. But it really makes a big enough difference that we are hopeful we can keep Hannah incubating a while longer. My blood pressure measures about 155/100 when I'm sitting or standing, but if I lay down on my side or recline it drops to about 130/90 or less. So as of last Tuesday I am off work and off my feet until the little lady makes her debut. Thank goodness for Netflix and HBO!!

At the doctor this week we discussed our long term goals and decided that if anything changes in my symptoms (blood pressure increases, won't stay below 160/110 for any period of time, lessened fetal movement, protein in urine, headache, seeing spots, etc) we would induce immediately. Because we are past the major danger zone of preemie-hood there is much less risk in her coming now. If my situation worsens she would benefit more from being delivered rather than living in hostile conditions inside me. If nothing changes we will induce when I hit 37 weeks which would be Sept 24, give or take a day, depending on the doctor's schedule. We will set an official date this Friday. So as of now we know that Miss Hannah will be joining us on the outside within 3 short weeks. Holy cow. Didn't I just find out I was pregnant?!? Cue mini freak out.

Of course we are extremely excited, but faced with the reality of such little time it's a little surreal. This pregnancy has gone by really quickly. Especially since we will have 3 less weeks to prepare than most people. But we are so grateful we have made it to this point when many thought we wouldn't. The difference in her growth and development between now and when GH started at 29 weeks is huge. If born at 34 weeks she would be looking at a NICU stay of about 2 weeks instead of 2 months. We are hoping I can go to 37 weeks and almost assuredly be able to bring her home immediately, but we will roll with whatever happens. 2 weeks is a manageable amount of time.

How far along: 34 weeks!

Symptoms:  I walk really slowly these days. Partially because my body just doesn't move fast, partially because I'm trying to take it easy. It's close to being considered a waddle. I have very little room left in my body for my own organs so I get full very fast and never quite have a good deep breath. I can also feel my heart beat, almost like it's racing. The doctor assured me this is normal and due to cramped space and not high blood pressure. I get heartburn pretty easily, but a few tums usually does the trick.

Sleep: It takes a long time to fall asleep. I've started taking a half dose of benadryl the last few nights to help knock me out. Restless leg syndrome is about the most annoying thing ever. I have to pee every 1.5-2 hours, and getting in and out of bed and comfortable is no easy task. Rolling over is like an inchworm movement. Little by little. I never bought a pregnancy pillow so I use multiple regular pillows. Sadly this pushes Andrew out of bed most nights. He says he has more room on the couch. I feel bad but there's not a lot I can do to help it. Since I'm on bed rest I usually sleep in now because it helps pass time and I'm on my side, so double win. Figure I better sleep while I can before she's here!

Clothes: Another side effect of bed rest is less reason to get dressed in presentable clothes. Hence pajamas and house clothes. I try to put on a little makeup to make myself feel better and a little nicer to look at for Andrew. Figure if I'm laying around all beached I should try a little to look semi-attractive while doing it. haha

Cravings/Aversions: I don't get a whole lot of my cravings fulfilled these days since I'm stuck at home, but that's probably for the best. Andrew ran me up to the bank today and I did request a chocolate cake pop from Starbucks, so we stopped, got one for each of us and left. 2 bites in I realized there was wax paper inside of it. So we turn around to exchange it. Bite into the new one while sitting there and there's paper inside it. Bummer! Best guess is the batch was messed up somehow. So they trash the rest of the chocolate cake pops and I got a birthday cake one. Well it just tasted bad, so I never did get my craving fill of cake pop. That's what I get I guess! No aversions to anything really. Cold water is amazing, particularly around 5 am when my bladder needs it the least. But I wake up so thirsty and figure my body needs it so I chug away.

Movement: My body might not agree with pregnancy, but it does not seem to make a difference to this little girl at all. I have to get non-stress tests every week to check Hannah to make sure it isn't putting stress on her and every week the doctor comments on what a happy and active baby she is. Dr. Rod said, "She's always so happy and cheerful, just like her momma." Awww, thanks doc. But she's definitely a mover and shaker. She knows when the monitor is on her or when an ultra sound is going on because she starts moving and kicking the machine. Lots of wiggling, pushing out, tickling and hiccups these days. When she's pushing out I can push back at that spot and she'll pull back, then push out again. Stubborn already or just playful? She is very easy to feel from the outside these days. Last night Andrew and I were kind of cuddled on the couch and his forearm was resting against the side of my stomach. He could feel her kicking from just barely touching me. She's a strong little thing!

Random: She has started responding to the water hitting my stomach in the shower. We don't have a bath tub (2 showers instead) so I'm not sure how she'd act with that, but the warm water hitting my belly gets her going. She's had the hiccups a lot in the last 2 weeks. Guess she's practicing lots of breathing and sucking in there. That's a good thing!! After my baby shower last weekend there were about 8 of us hanging out talking in the living room at my moms so it was kind of loud. Despite it being a time when she usually sleeps the action woke up her. She knew there was a rowdy crowd hanging out and she wanted to be a part of it so she started going crazy. Everyone got a chance to feel some really strong kicks. Kristina held my stomach for about 10 minutes in amazement at how strong and active she was. Also the ultra sound technician is still saying she has lots of hair!

Her immune system started really developing last week and is no longer relying solely on the placenta, so if she comes now she has the basis to protect herself. We are past the point of requiring steroids to develop her lungs for early delivery. At 34 we are really passed the real danger zone for preemies. What a relief!! She would still be considered a preemie until 37 weeks, but she would fair pretty well from here on out. Woohoo!!
Baby Size: She's measuring about 5 to 5.5 pounds and approximately 18 inches long. One app said honeydew and one said cantaloupe. Either way, that's an oddly shaped baby!
Just under 3 weeks until we meet our little girl!!!

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