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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Blue Ridge Splendor

This cabin, Blue Ridge Splendor, has been the site of many exciting events and firsts for Andrew and myself. We came here for our first vacation as a couple, this is where Andrew proposed to me, and now we've enjoyed our first vacation as a family of 3. To say this cabin holds special memories would be an understatement. My kind and gracious in-laws have let us use the family cabin to get away from the day to day grind, replenish our minds and hearts, and for that we are so grateful.
Our weekend away has been lovely, semi-relaxing, a touch stressful, but overall great. Hannah has been cutting teeth all weekend and has been pretty miserable unless being held or entertained. She is usually content with some alone time to play on her mat with toys while we cook dinner or relax, but not this weekend. She also hasn't been napping well, which we assume is a combination of teething and being in an unfamiliar environment. Thankfully she's slept great at night, but we figure since it's dark it seems more like home, whereas during the day when the room is still fairly well lit she can tell she isn't in her normal place.
We drove up to north Georgia on Friday and will return Monday afternoon, so it hasn't been a long trip. We've enjoyed perfect weather all weekend. We took our time Friday and were blessed with a sleepy baby. We stopped for lunch at Chili's, let Hannah sit in a high chair for the first time (she did awesome and loved it!!), then continued on. The initial drive up the mountain didn't go all that smoothly, but we made it and settled in.
Saturday I enjoyed a mid-morning nap while Hannah slept (the one good nap she's taken all weekend), we went into town for a quick trip (desperately needed oragel and Tylenol!), then back home to relax. Hannah did quite a bit of crying and nap skipping, until we put her down a bit early so we could regain our sanity. We cooked dinner, played some pool, sat in the hot tub and ate a few too many cookies! (I realize by the looks of her pictures you'd never know she was fussy, but trust me, it happened. we just know how to make her smile!).
Sunday was another perfect weather day so after Han's first nap (too short, but enough to get her through the morning) we took some family photos before heading out to explore a bit. I invested in a tripod after Christmas and it has been such a wonderful addition. We got some beautiful pictures, although it took about 20 takes to get a handful of good ones. Once into downtown Blue Ridge we had lunch at a little cafe, then did a little souvenier shopping. We made it back up the mountain smoothly and settled in for another fussy evening. After only a 25 minute cat nap all afternoon she finally went down and has allowed us some quiet time! Andrew is cooking his signature salmon while I upload pictures and write this post, then we'll settle in for another few games of pool before calling it a night.
We'll head out tomorrow morning sometime and hopefully be lucky enough to have a quiet/sleepy baby. I'm not counting on getting lucky twice, but I can hope! There's a good chance we'll run into traffic from the race in Talladega, so fingers crossed we don't have a fussy baby and terrible traffic!!
Although it would have been nice to not have a teething baby fussing all weekend, we still were blessed enough to be able to enjoy this beautiful trip. We have loving family that allowed us the use of their beautiful house, hard earned money to be able to take the time off to enjoy the trip, and most importantly, a wonderful family in the three of us. Despite painful gums, crocodile tears and a few "I need to tag out" situations, this weekend has been successful and much needed. (I told Andrew we need to come back in September for my 30th birthday and leave baby at home with family for a truly relaxing getaway!!) ;)
As with all vacations, I hate to leave, but I look forward to home. Our cozy house, felines that will be happy to get head scratches, the relief Hannah will have of being back in familiar surroundings, and the all around pretty great life we've built for ourselves will be a welcome sight. Vacations are awesome, but the important part is that we'll still be happy to return home. Although a few less hours worked and more time together would be nice!

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