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Friday, August 14, 2015

Hannah: 10 Months

We didn't measure you this month. Awful parents!! ;)

My dear Hannah,

I have neglected the blog and missed your 10 month post, so I'm going to do a quick post on 10 months and our usual longer one for 11 months.
As a 9 month old big girl you did lots of fun things! You went to Mother's Day Out (MDO from here on out) and made lots of friends. While you were there you watched the other babies and just took it all in. You got used to having a snack every morning at school (usually puffs or yogurt bites). This acted as the introduction to eating like a big girl! You did lots of finger foods and worked on perfecting your pincer skills. We tried a sippy cup but you just chewed on the straw. It's a start though.
When you started MDO you were not sitting unassisted completely. You were darn close, but not quite there. Well 2 weeks of school and seeing the other kids and you perfected it. Along with sitting, you also learned how to crawl (army style!). I fully believe that seeing other kids on a daily basis gave you the push you needed to increase your gross motor movements. The army crawl wasn't pretty, but it got you places.
We enjoyed cousin Liam's first birthday and this counted as your first birthday party! You were a little taken aback by all the people at Aunt Shannon's house but you found a toy and made yourself right at home. We also did a fun outing with out Cheesecake family at Oak Mountain. You're so cute and friendly you were a hit! (Daddy shows your pictures and video off at work all the time, and I share you a lot on facebook so everyone already feels like they know you, so hanging out with you in person just solidifies those relationships. It's amazing how many people care about you!)
The summer kickball season started and we kicked it off with breaking in the back pack Grandma got us for Christmas. You loved it! You thought you were such a big girl!! We hit up a couple of kickball games and you loved the fresh air, people milling about and the attention.
Month 10 went by really quickly, as with all the months so far. Your mastery of crawling introduced a whole new stage, and a new part of your personality. You became so much happier (than you already were!) since you were able to sit up and see the world on your own terms and do a little moving. 
We love you so much silly girl!!

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