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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

June Showers

I for one and glad to see the month of June completed and gone. It was kind of a rough month for me. I try to stay positive and not be one to complain, but multiple events coupled with pregnancy hormones, heat and a rough morning were more than I could take. The last day of June was the straw that broke the camels back. Thankfully the month has passed and hopefully taken the deluge of bad luck with it.

Of course I understand things can always be worse. I have a wonderful life and am very thankful for everyone and everything in it. But that doesn't mean I can't recognize hardships. I figure the hard times make us appreciate the good ones, so that's what I'll be doing in July. Recognizing all the great in my life! To wrap up June, I'd like to jot down a few things to remember that hard seasons do come.

 My great grandmother, Memo, passed away on June 10. This wonderful woman lived to be 100 years old, and celebrated life with humor and passion like very few others. She was truly one of a kind. I'm thankful we got to see her in January for her 100th birthday party. She was in good spirits and to be 100, pretty good health if you ask me. A pretty bird until the end.

My great uncle Putt passed away a few days later, June 17th I believe. He was one of the most honest and hard working men I've ever known. I am particularly grateful to him for the care and understanding he showed my dad when he was going through dark days. When many other family members either could not or would not be there for my father, Uncle Putt was. He never gave up on him and for that I am eternally grateful.

My dear sweet Nanny had a massive heart attack in March and has been having complications with Congestive Heart Failure since then. These came to a head last week, so Mom and myself took her to the doctor who immediately had her admitted to UAB. After a few hours she was moved to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit where she's been for the last 4 days. There is a very delicate dance going on of trying to get her stable and medicines figured out. They'll change something seemingly minor that sends everything else into a tail spin. She is toughing it out while they try to get her fixed up. There aren't words for how much she means to me, so seeing her go through this is very very hard.

This pretty face was feeling pretty crappy in June as well. She somehow managed to sprain her back, get a yeast infection in her foot pads, internal parasites, fleas, skin allergies. You name it she probably had it. Way to make me feel like a Mommy failure Sid! She went from fine to yelping at the touch in a matter of days. When we got her to the vet and was read a laundry list of problems, I felt awful that it had all gone unnoticed for who knows how long. Countless pills, visits and hundreds and hundreds of dollars later, she's like a a spring chicken again. We are very glad she's feeling better, but boy did it hurt my wallet. Andrew assures me she's worth it though. ;)

This old girl also put a hurting on me this month. There'd been a crack in the windshield for over a year, but it wasn't in the way of my line of sight and I let it be. On the way to do a girls dinner a week or so ago a rock popped up on 459 and added another crack to the windshield, directly below the existing one. Well I didn't want the two to merge and make friends, leaving my windshield unstable, so I bit the bullet to have it replaced. Not even a week later the battery went out and had to be replaced. I'm concerned the transmission has some issues but it's still under warranty. I've put off having a crack in the exhaust looked at, but it will have to be dealt with sooner or later.

All in all, it could always be worse. But the hits to the heart and wallet still sting. I mean it's not like we're trying to save up for any other large expenses in our future or anything. Nah, I didn't need to put money towards a car seat or anything. /sigh. 

June has come and gone and all I can do is hope that the hardships go with it!!

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