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Friday, July 11, 2014

Pregnancy: 26 Weeks

We are one week away from the third trimester. Holy cow! I can't believe she will be here in 14 short weeks. If the remaining time passes anywhere as quickly as the first 7 months did then I'll never be ready in time! I just checked my handy dandy baby count down and it's in double digits.
95 days remaining, guys. Wow!

Wednesday I had an OB appointment to do my gestational diabetes test, an ultra sound to check how she's growing, and the regular consult. I got to experience the joy (hah-not) of the glucose test. This lovely drink was like Sunkist with triple the sugar. Downside is I hate orange flavored drinks. So gross. It has to be finished within 5 minutes, so I manned up and chugged it like I was in a beer drinking contest. Yuck.

An hour later I was getting 2 vials of blood drawn. Normally I don't mind blood draws, but for some reason this one hurt. It was painful while she was doing it, then it stung for an hour after she was finished. I should have found out today if I passed, but no word yet. Hopefully no news is good news. If I failed I have to do the dreaded 3 hour test. Horror stories. That's all I've heard of it. Fasting. Multiple blood draws. Faintness. Nausea. Bad things. Fingers crossed I passed.

After the glucose test we hopped over to the ultra sound room to get a quick look at Hannah to see how she's growing and make sure my amniotic fluid is at the correct levels. Ms. Tech said she's measuring about 5 days smaller than 26 weeks, but this is totally normal. Apparently anywhere from a 2-3 week difference is fine and dandy. All babies grow differently so they give a little wiggle room in the growth window. She's estimated to be a solid 2.2 pounds. Woohoo! Oh, and if you care, my amniotic fluid is just fine. Normal and normal. Thank goodness.

The tech measured her head, belly, femur, the big ticket items that are apparently good to measure during a growth scan. But she also let us watch for a few minutes and we got a couple of neat shots. She even switched over to 3D and gave us a semi-clear face shot of little lady. Prepare yourselves for sweetness overload.
Look at those chubby cheeks! And the little round nose? Looks a lot like mine. I was certain she'd have Andrew's nose after the last US, but this one looks pretty close to mine from what I can tell. Andrew thinks 3d pictures are pretty creepy, and I guess they kind of are, but getting to see what she looks like is amazing. Even if it isn't clear, I have a loose idea of what she looks like and she's not due for another 14 weeks! Amazing I tell you.
She also asked for no paparazzi photos to be taken. Or she was practicing ballet hands. Either way, she had her hands up by her face. It's so cool you can even see her fingers! Technology is something else.

How far along: 26 weeks

Symptoms: Knee pain, hormones have been a little less stable the last few days, but overall I haven't been a hot mess like I was expecting. I've got the linea negra under my belly button, no stretch marks [yet]. Happy to say pregnancy brain hasn't been as bad lately. I'm starting to be a little more tired. Next week marks the 3rd trimester, so I won't be surprised if the exhaustion returns.

Insomnia/trouble falling asleep seems to be returning. I've started cutting out liquids about an hour before bedtime and removing all water bottles from the bedroom so I can't chug water in the middle of the night. This makes me able to go about 3 hours between bathroom breaks, which is huge! I'm needing more pillows and more space, so Andrew sleeps on the couch half of the time. Says he has more room there than in bed. Sorry buddy. 

Summer maternity wear. It's the only option. Full belly band shorts and skirts at that. Comfort is key!

Soda, cold water, hashbrowns, salty stuff, Wendy's frosties. On occasion I request that Andrew bring home a piece of cheesecake. Happy to say I can now eat grilled chicken again. I don't care for it as much as I used to, but it's not a major aversion anymore

Girl friend is getting strong!! If I play music through my phone and put it up to my stomach she'll start moving about 50% of the time. When she does they are strong kicks and full belly moves. She's been getting a little higher in my stomach and something (hands maybe?) are under my ribs on the right side just under my boob. Awkward feeling. She still does a little dance on my bladder. She moves much more frequently now, but is still sticking to her pattern of reliable times.

At the appointment this week when we saw her the tech said she's breech with her head under my left breast and feet down in my belly (hello bladder!). That explains why I feel most kicks and punches on the right side I guess.

Baby Size:
I'm almost ready to give up on this. The app says she's the size of a head of lettuce, but at 2.2 pounds and about 9 inches (i think) that doesn't sound right. I do know she'll go through a growth spurt between now and 32 weeks and almost double in size. Growing girl!

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