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Monday, December 22, 2014

Sidney's Story

Sidney Lou Boggan

It's been almost 2 weeks since our sweet Sidney passed. We are adjusting to life without a dog underfoot and a kind soul looking for head scratches. We miss her every day, but hold close our memories of her. Because her sickness came on so quickly and progressed so rapidly it was quite a shock. It's still hard to believe she isn't here. I want to share her story, both for anyone who cares to read it and for myself. She was only in our lives for 3 short years, but she made a world of difference.

Sidney was born in August 2011 and I adopted her in October of that year. This was before Andrew and I were together so she came into a one parent family. She helped me through a transitional time in my life and brought a smile to my face when I arrived home to an empty house. She was round and pudgy and had a pointy little head.

Andrew and I were friends for years before we considered becoming more. We were hesitant for a few reasons, but what made me fall for him was Sidney. Yes, the dog. Seeing Andrew with her and how involved he became warmed my heart. He had no need to walk her, take part in her training, clean up after her. But he did all of those things because he loved her. I thought if he could care for my dog so unselfishly, he would make a great father. Many people say dogs are like trial children and they are right. Sidney is what made me begin to fall in love with Andrew. I have no doubt I would have still loved him without her, but she played an integral role in our coming together.

When we rescued a kitten she was so interested she ended up almost raising it herself. In many ways Rico is more dog than cat. He loved her so much and always followed her and laid on her whenever possible.

She was the most beautiful girl and got compliments every where she went.


And boy was she silly!!

Boxers are known for being family dogs and good with children, which is part of the reason I chose the breed. I'm glad to say she did not disappoint. Throughout my pregnancy, bed rest and time off she was by my side and watching over me. If I slept in so did she. If I tried to do some work around the house, she still slept but stayed close. After Hannah came home she was so interested. Sidney stood watch, came by when Hannah cried, licked the baby's head as she walked through the house. She was never far away.

We don't know why Sidney got so sick at such a young age, and we can't change the way it went. Be we can remember her happily. She brought us together, was our baby until the real one arrived, and made sure Hannah got settled into our pack. While she won't be here to grow up with Hannah, I'm glad she was a part of Hannah's life, even for a short period.

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