Photo Collage

Photo Collage

Thursday, December 4, 2014


It's a week late, but what do you expect with work and a baby? I've been thinking about this post for a while, I just haven't had time to get it down. Last year I did 30 days of thankfulness where I wrote down one thing I was grateful for each day of November. Well there was no way that would happen this year!

We just celebrated Thanksgiving, the day to remember and acknowledge everything you are thankful for. I try to do this every day, not just one day out of the year. Life moves so quickly that it's easy to get swept away and not notice the little things, or remember how quickly life can change. So while I'm recapping the things I'm most thankful for today, it's really a short list compared to all the wonderful things in my life.

Obviously the biggest change from last year to this one that I am thankful for is this sweet face.
This girl has changed our lives in every possible way. Some are big changes, like hello, an entire person to care for, but some changes are smaller, like the bottles that now litter our sink. I hate washing dishes, and bottles in particular (because the brush sprays me with soapy water when I pull it out of the bottle), but boy am I thankful for the little girl that drinks from them. 
I am beyond grateful that she is now healthy, compared to her rocky start. She breaths just fine, eats like a hoss, sleeps at night (fairly well), smiles when she wakes up, talks when you coax it out of her and to us, is the cutest person to ever grace this planet. Sure she has fussy times, doesn't like taking naps, makes some of the stinkiest dipes you can think of, but I wouldn't trade it in for the world. She's opened up a whole new world to Andrew and myself. Created a new layer to our relationship, and a level of worry and concern I've never known. I am so thankful for her and everything she has brought to my life.
This photo is pretty much my whole world. My husband, best friend, and my baby. What more could a person ask for?! Andrew is so many things to me (see above) and makes my life so much better with each roll he plays. I won't dwell on him, I'll instead refer you back to the post about how awesome he is <here>. Let's just say I am beyond grateful for him.

It would take me hours to write out every reason I am thankful for so many wonderful people in our lives, and you're kidding yourself if you think I have time for that, so I'll add some pictures from our Thanksgiving day. 

We spent lunch and the afternoon at my mom's house with family. Terry and Reahgie joined us for the annual Thanksgiving feast that Mom prepares (without an oven I might add).

For the evening session we headed to Peggy and Chip's house for a huge family gathering. Lots of people drove in from out of state to give us the biggest Thanksgiving group I've ever been a part of.  I think we had 22 people total including 9 kids. Crazy!

There is so much to be thankful for I couldn't possibly list it all here. My friends, family, my job, my home-- I am one lucky lady.

In closing, the cutest turkey of the day.

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